I started watching international news to distract myself from the constant bickering in social media, which is how I know that the Philippines isn’t doing as bad in it’s fight against Covid-19 as the critics say. In fact, other countries even loftier than us, are in worse shape. Which is why, when Isko Moreno launched into an impassioned speech, I found myself nodding. He gave form to my feelings.
He addressed most of his points to politicians, but I was more interested in his message for the common citizen, which you’ll find sprinkled throughout his speech. These gems are for everyone who has an opinion, is an expert at everything, and has taken to throwing virtual rocks at others. Democracy gives us a free voice, but the problem now is that this climate of constant indignation makes every solution seem insufficient. Moreno’s points should at least encourage us to reexamine our views or to at least put them in their proper place and time.
The mayor, of course, he has been roundly criticized for this. According to some senators, the speech was a form of attention-seeking and a display of arrogance. Whatever the case, they can slug it out amongst themselves later. What’s important is his message if you make it past the emotive tone.
Mayor Isko Moreno Covid-19 Speech English Translation:
The translation of the mayor’s speech below is broken into sections to make it easier to digest, but maintains the actual flow of the impromptu speech.
Covid-19 Response – Can Anyone Do Better?
I am reminding you, as your father, your father speaking to you now; as your father, don’t allow yourselves to be used by some people making appeals, by some politicians engaging in the blame game. The politics of politicians will do nothing to help you against Covid-19. The enemy is Covid-19. The only ones who will win in the fight amongst politicians are fellow politicians. Even if we change our leadership, no one can give the exact and right solution to what we are facing. Think carefully.
I, as the father of the city of Manila, the capital of the country, in my own small way, I can at least use this [platform]. I am calling on the leadership in the national government, opposition, administration, especially those who are at odds with each other — is it possible, can I request from my fellow politicians, can we rest for just 90 days? Let’s rest from politics for 90 days.
Can I ask that our irritation with each other as politicians… can we in 90 days, just pour all our energies — administration, opposition, left-leaning, right-leaning — is it possible, as the mayor of the city of Manila that is part of this country, I am pleading with you senators, congressmen, all politicians. I am pleading with you, don’t look for any more holes. Not everything our current leader says should be given weight or a different meaning. I am encouraging you, anyway, you are all great, well, donate all your salaries. Show all your abilities now in helping people.
No one is excellent here. No one is doing great in this fight. I keep saying, do not go far in looking for comparisons; mighty countries have folded.
A Call to Action
You are each paying whoever for advancing your own political interests. Can I ask you, as the father of the city of Manila, the capital of our country, can I ask you to listen first. I know I do not have the right to admonish you, but right now, I am not just speaking as a mayor, but as a citizen too. Right now many are going hungry. Let us not blame who is at fault. No one is right in this situation. By your words, people’s behaviors change because we cannot appease their fears. We cannot calm them with your political speeches. Bickering here, bickering there… Who is our enemy? Whom do we want to give solutions to?
Senators, [cabinet] secretaries, politicians like me, now is the time for us… now is the time for you to show… your love for the Filipino people. We here in Manila are Filipinos too… There are so many who are suffering right now.
You are fortunate, you are lucky, we are lucky to have a little more in life. What about the impoverished even before this crisis started, and have become even more impoverished in this current crisis? We will not understand each other by talking; we will not understand each other by our political ideologies because we are political enemies. But the reason why we fight each other in politics is so we can lead in each of our jurisdictions. So show your leadership now and your love for your fellowmen.
Searching for Our Leaders
Where are you now? Where? We are looking for you, I, together with my fellow citizens in this city.
You are against this and that because of the political interests you are advancing. Don’t you have hearts? You are exploiting this moment of weakness in our leaders now, because if you were the leaders now… you know in your consciences, you know in your hearts, that there is nothing you can do. So maybe, my countrymen, you who are watching, I am encouraging you, call upon the people in government to stop political fights. Let’s stop it once and for all.
What is 90 days? It will pass quickly. The elections are still in 2022. There is a time for politics. The reason you joined politics is so you can serve the country. Show it [your service] now. I am encouraging you as the mayor of this city.
Don’t come here during elections, enticing our citizens, when you were nowhere to be found. You are found more in the newspapers, and in television, talking here and there. Where are you?
What Others Can Do
So in all humility… The country is in a difficult situation. Manila is in a difficult situation. It’s true, we will not let go; it’s true we will not leave anyone behind. We will embrace all we can embrace, but now I am appealing, not just as the mayor of the capital city of the country, but as a Filipino. As a citizen I can feel the suffering faced by people now. Now is the time for you to make [your service/care] felt.
To the actors/actresses, follow the example of Angel Locsin, who is at her home, helping people. This is not about taking sides, this is not about partisanship. You have lived in luxury, thank God, I am happy for you. Now is the time for you to show too [your ability to help].
I am calling on all sectors, the rich, the famous, the powerful, please, please, focus. Focus on our fight. Our enemy is Covid-19. Our enemy does not discriminate according to social standing.
Sit in a corner and reflect. Let’s not overly nitpick the government’s plans. This is not the time to nitpick. This is not the time to blabber. This is the time for the elected officials of the country to serve faithfully in a time of need, not just in the time of prosperity. The people are waiting for us.
A Call to Ceasefire
Red, yellow, blue, white, whatever are your political colors, set it aside for 90 days. Just 90 days, after that, let’s go back to politics as usual. But for now, I implore you, let’s help each other. Let’s not think of who our bets will be for the next election. Now is not the time.
Show now that you are worthy of of being elected to the highest position in the country or in high positions in the government. Show you are worthy now, we will not be swayed by your commercials.
Let us unite; let’s help each other. Let’s criticize each other once we’ve survived Covid-19, once we’ve saved our people, once we’ve established again the strength of our economy. Everyone is down on their knees. There is nowhere to step on anymore; people are the ones we’ll end up stepping on in the streets. Enough. Enough. Enough with political bickering. Ceasefire.
A Call to Unity
I am not just speaking to you and pleading with you as the mayor of the city. I am simply echoing the voice of the majority as an ordinary citizen myself. I am sorry; it’s possible that what I am saying is against your political interest. Let’s call each other into account later, but for now, let’s show our love for the country, our love for our countrymen, because that is our sworn duty, all of us in government.
If I have hurt any politician’s feelings, I am sorry. It’s painful to hear the truth, but I have no bad intentions. My only intention is for us to act in unison, in heart, in thought, in speech, and in action. We are Filipinos, fellow Filipinos. I will pray for you tonight that the lord God may give you clarity of thought and open your hearts, for there to be space in it for the return of compassion for our fellowmen.
1. Isko Moreno Domagoso. 2020. “Live: Mayor’s City Address: Implementation of Code – Covid-19 (Contain and Delay)” April 2, 2020. https://www.facebook.com/iskomorenodomagoso/videos/299222471063673/

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